Tuesday, August 26, 2008

No Good Goes Unpunished…

I’m been waiting, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’ve been waiting since I got the lovely blue ribbon for something shitty to happen. That’s how my life works for every good item that occurs a crappy one is soon to follow. Read past blog posts, you will see I’m not making this up. I guess this is how balance is kept in the world. Do any of you experience this?

I thought I might escape this time, but nope. I got a call this afternoon from the dentist office that did my root canal back in March. This was an emergency root canal and of course my dentist was out of the office so I had to go somewhere else to take care of the horrible pain. Months have gone by now, with a VERY slow healing tooth. I may never enjoy the use of a straw again, or at least it feels that way right now. Anyway, the dentist office calls to say I have an outstanding bill because my insurance will not pay the filling that finished the process. They will not pay because I had a crown put on this tooth 2 years ago and apparently there is a policy they will not pay on fillings to teeth that have been worked on in the past 5 years. I guess I have to get out my Delta Dental information and read the tiny ass print to find this out. How the hell was I to know this?

So the shoe dropped, just ducky!


Jonathan and Michelle said...
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Jonathan and Michelle said...

We have Delta as well, I really don't like them much when it comes to doing anything more than a cleaning...I'm sorry they are being butts.

dearabby said...

This is probably an expensive shoe too. Like a choo or a minolo? hang in there... You deserve endless blue ribbons with no after effects!

allie said...

Ms. M and Dearabby: Thank you for your empathy. It is greatly appreciated.