The tiny patch of dirt is now over flowing with plants. It looks like a bunch of weeds.
If you look more closely, you can see I have a few green pepper plants. It's very handy to walk out the back door and grab a pepper at will.
I also have a red cherry tomato plant and a yellow grape tomato plant. They both got so tall, close to 6 foot, that the stakes could not hold them up and they fell over. I gave up and let all the tomatoes fall, but they seem to keep growing.
I also have two regular tomato plants.
Last, but not least I have 3 watermelon plants. I planted three hills and didn't think any would grow and of course all three did. I have several tiny little watermelons growing. I really hope they have time to turn out before cold weather. I planted them kinda late. I'm trying to force them to grow all in one direction toward my side of the backyard. My poor neighbors.
I planted spinach a couple of time, but no luck. Last year I did spinach in a planter box with no problems. I also planted a couple of onions and no luck there either. I think I simply have too many roots in this small space for more to grow. Next year I'll know better and plant less.
I want more tomatoes!!!
Ms H
Hmmm. Back when I lived in GView, my neighbors would have taken all the vegies and then wondered why I was upset. Or they would've let their dogs take dumps all over my plants.
I'm glad you have better neighbors than I had.
Your veggies are very good. CAll me when the watermelon comes in completely...;-P
Ms H: They have to ripen silly!
SS: No pets allowed. My landlord would freek at the idea, hence why Maggie is at my parents, but the rent was too cheap to pass up. My neighbors are never home and so bonus for me.
Dearabby: If the watermelon make it, I'll have a watermelon social and be sure to send you the invite.
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