Monday, August 04, 2008

A Busy Weekend...

Man oh man I was on the move this weekend, literally. I feel like I walked miles and miles and likely did. Saturday was the Dublin Irish Fest and then Sunday I ended up going to the State Fair.

Enjoy a few photos...
There was a sea of people at the Irish Fest

There were tons and tons of great bands at the fest. This is Slide--all members actually from Ireland and all with lovely, lovely Irish accents. Look'em up, their great!

I also enjoyed a bit of Bad Haggis.

Rathkeltair, the drummer is Irish and they will be at Byrnes Pub, August 23rd!

The Tartan Terrors, not Irish, but Canadian, so at least a bit international-kinda, music and comedy-- well done! They were also in kilts, gotta love a man in a kilt!Especially when they play the bagpipes and are as adorable and this one!Seriously there were a lot of kilts of many stylesThere were also red heads Some more interesting than others *grin*I'm sure he's a ginger at heart!

The fair pics will have to wait, gotta get back to work.

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