Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I'm Just Saying...

I was going to post photos from the fair today, that was my plan. Well you know what they say about best laid plans. I have the photos, but I feel there is a more pressing issue to discuss.

Brett, just go home!

That's what I say on this Brett Favre issue. I love Favre, I wish I had gotten to see him play in person, he was a great quarterback.

Brett, listen to me. ---You retired, stay retired Brett. You don't need to be going to another team, you don't need to play for the Packers, you need to stay at home and watch the Sunday afternoon games on your big screen. You are likely having a mid-life crisis and can't deal with the fact you are no longer the center of attention, but you are getting old man, time to move on. You are 38 and starting to really look your age, you were once a very attractive man, but time for a new cute face for fans to watch on Sundays. Give it up, let the Packers continue in peace. Give Aaron Rodgers a chance, he's been in your shadow for long enough. Yes, we all know his face is not that cute, but he deserves a chance. Brett, start the next phase of your life!

I'm just saying!


Anonymous said...

I agree. He should have stayed home. I am starting to lose respect for him because of all of this. Go home Brett (or demand a trade to the Bears........)
See you at Super Bowl Party 2009!

Mr A

allie said...

Mr. A, it looks like he will be a Jet, so he didn't listen to either one of us.