Wednesday, May 14, 2008


A friend posed a question earlier this week, that made me stop and think. She asked, is there something that you feel you should have at this point in your life, that you don’t (all in relation to being an adult). Hmmmm, it’s an interesting question. I just graduated to a big girl bed a few years ago, so maybe that made me more of an adult. I feel like an adult every time I go to pay my bills, but yet, I’m not financially secure as I would like to be. I wonder, readers, what do you feel you should have at this point in your life that you do not?

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm having some sort of Peter Pan complex thing for not settling down by 30. I am always amazed that people my age have multiple kids, a mortgage and crap like that. And that I'm the oddball for not having all of that. Life is strange.