Tuesday, September 30, 2008

If I can cook it, you can too...

I've decided to start a new regular feature on this little blog o' mine. I figure I'm bored of most food these days so maybe if I share you will too. I'm not a cook, so I stick to simple, yet have a difficult time following a recipe.
Simple Potatoes...

Clean potatoes, for a variety use red and yellow ones.

Chop into small squares, not too small, but small enough they will not take forever to cook.

Add a bit of olive oil in a skillet

Add potatoes and a bit of salt and pepper (I'm really enjoying sea salt these days.)

Chop up a bit of onion--throw in in with the potatoes. Cover and cook until tender.

Add a bit of blue cheese when done. YUM!!! Tasty!


dearabby said...

Can I just tell you how much I love the cooking segments on your show... I mean blog.

allie said...

dearabby: Could you imagine if I did have a show, boy that would be a ton of fun. Likely no viewership, but fun. THANKS!

Desi's Thoughts and Idea's said...

I think I'm going to borrow a page of your blog and start my own cooking session. You make me want to cook more often