Well folks if you are reading this you are lucky enough to have power. I do not have power at my house, but of course the university has power. I found out this morning we have our own power station. Of course we do.
Anyway, the wind has created havoc all over Ohio. A large tree across the street from me lost two large limbs.
The tree directly in this shot was swaying so much you could see the roots moving even. I was beginning to wonder if I should sleep in the spare bedroom last night, but the wind finally stopped, tree still standing.
A better shot of the downed limbs. See how it's on the curb. That's often where my car is sitting. Thank goodness I was at Ms. H's when the thing came down.
An evening without power can be very boring. I didn't want to go walking in it like many others were. For the love of Pete, there were flying branches and stuff everywhere. Did they think they were immune and not going to get hit? I know how accident prone I am, better not to risk a visit to the ER.
I read for several hours by candle light. Had a few brief conversations on the phone, but didn't want to run my battery too low. I finally decided Lou was bored too and needed his photo taken, but there was little in my house to photograph.
It got rather dark in the house before many candles were set a flame. One could barely see Lou.
Thank goodness for flash.
Lou yelled at me for never taking this picture to work and hanging it up. I tried to explained that we were supposed to be getting new furniture and I was waiting on that, but he just refused to listen. He kept referring to me as a lazy tart.
I think it's going to be another long night with Lou and his mouth. I ran home during my lunch crossing my finger the entire way hoping for electric. Nope, not to be found. There was a sewer truck at the corner, I'm hoping that was a planned event and has nothing to do with last night. I could have bigger problems on my hands.
AEP is reporting it could be 5-7 days before everyone has their power back on. Please, please, please let me be one of the ones soon. The crappy part is the other side of the street has power. They got theirs back about 8pm last night. Little tarts! Oh, Lou is such a bad influence. I just don't want to shower in the dark again. I guess I should be happy I have a gas hot water heater. I really don't want to drag my curling iron into the office yet another morning.
I did bring my laptop in and charged it up. Last night I powered on and had 5 whole minutes until the battery died.
Whatever did people do before Ben started flying his kite?
Who is Ben, and why is he flying a kite?
anonymous: Sorry, it was a random reference to Ben Franklin and the story of how he was flying kites that were hit by lighting and the "idea" of electricity was developed.
It looks like Lou is mighty close to the candle. Be careful, Lou!
sleepy scott: I needed Lou close to the flame for the non-flash photo. You are right though, I should not risk Lou's existence for a photo. We'll be more careful.
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