Monday, March 10, 2008

March 20th, 1st day of SPRING...

It's true only 10 more days until spring, but central Ohio did not look like spring was any where in the horizon this past weekend. Below are depressing reminders of the weekend and the fun morning outside my office.

Blizzard like conditions Saturday--view through my front door.
What were they thinking, this is no time for walk through the neighborhood.
9am out my back door. This is as far as it would go, due to snow buildup. Look at that sock, isn't it just cute-and warm and fuzzy!

My car before the big dig

Batman's future car

15 inches the final total at my back door
My poor bike at 9am

My sad little bike at 9pm

The wall of snow encountered this morning exiting the garage. Why? That's all I ask, if you are going to plow, why leave the pile right at the exit?

The sidewalks this morning beside my building. These people are insane, I walked in the road, of course a car tried to take me out, but I wasn't busting my butt on that sidewalk.


Anonymous said...

Grand o' MI got zilch :)

Anonymous said...

Grand o' MI got zilch :)