Monday, October 29, 2007

I Did It...

I had this goal of not turning the heat on in my house until November, but last night, I just couldn't hold out, I had to be warm. I was watching the news and the talking head on the t.v. was telling me it was going to get down in the 20's last night. I had on a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and was covered in a blanket and still cold while watching the forecast and the impending 20 degree temps made me colder. So, I did it, I turned the heat on last night. It was sooooo nice, it took the dampness out of the air and I woke up this morning to the soft purr of the heat kicking on and smiled, and I do not smile that early in the morning. I took a few quick moments this morning to sit on top of the register and absorb as much of the warmth as I could. I haven't done this in years; my last couple of apartment the vents were on the ceiling. I was enjoying this small pleasure of warm toes. Ahhhh, warm toes. So, I'm sure my heating bill will crazy, but I just don't care. I'm entitled to warm toes, right?

1 comment:

Laura said...

I can't believe that I lasted longer than you! I still haven't turned on the heater in the living room! I did turn the one on in the bathroom, but wet and naked calls for heat. And Harriet is a very small animal and needs the heat. Right?