Friday, December 10, 2010

IT ARGH!!!! & Day 10...

I had to change my password for my computer stuff at work today. No worries, I'll do the change. Darn it! I changed it and it broke everything. Ok, not everything and it's fixed now. However it was very annoying for a few hours there when I couldn't do anything. I finally get a home of my own and then computer issues. ARGH! Again it's fixed now, I'm getting over it, slowly.

Day 10--I used a very scientific method to determine which of your worthy causes would be donated to today. Ok, so not so scientific, but it worked ok, I guess. I wrote them all down on a piece of paper then dropped the pencil, I planned to donate to the one the pencil was pointing to. As you can see, it didn't really point to one, so I'm going with the one it was closest to. M, I'll be contacting you to find out the best way to donate my lunch money.

Thank goodness it's Friday!!!!!

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