Day 4, 5, and PBJ Week...
Day 4-Kind act...being nice to a senior citizen. (I really wanted to say, not killing a pig...but it seemed too much. All of you who think you want a pig because they are cute and adorable, let me tell you they poop A LOT, you have to clean their home all the time, at least once a week. Also smaller pigs, those less than 250 pounds, well really any pig, they are like a 4 year old. The 4 year old that follows you around and ask, "Why" "Whatcha Doing", etc. that 4 year old. On Saturday there was one pig that would not allow me to clean it's home in peace, now mind you it's home also included about 10 other pigs, so it was not alone. Her 4 year old behavior was to try and chew on the shovel every time I was pushing crap, literally, from one end of the home to the other to get it out of the pigs home. I understand pigs like a bit of ick to roll in, but too much ick is too much ick. Ok, I'm done, sadly real Allie comes out, so much for 24 days of Kindness.)
Day 5-Being kind to Mother Nature. I picked up trash someone left on the street. It took only a moment, but the street looked better and Mother Nature, I hope, was happier.
PBJ Week. I have decided this week, I will pack my lunch with the somewhat inexpensive Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam sandwich. I will use my leftover "lunch money" to contribute to some worthy, in my opinion, causes.
Day 6- I will use my lunch money to buy a toy for the Toys for Tots campaign. Learn more... Toys for Tots.
I plan to donate my lunch money to the Mid-Ohio Foodbank later this week. I will add $1 to my planned amount for each person that posts a comment with what worthy cause you would donate to if you could. You can post anonymously, but put your initials in the comment, so I know one person is not posting more than once. You have until Thursday morning to post your comment.
For Christmas gifts for family members, I donated to The James (times 2 for different family members), the Arthritis Foundation, a church, and the American Diabetes Association.
Hearing Loss Assoication of America. NB (never would have known this huh:)
Toys for Tots
Did donate to 2 local libraries.
(Can you guess who me is?)
Thanks for commenting M, NB, and TDL. You guys ROCK!!!
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