How Cold Is It, Tuesday Trivia, & Day 14...
How cold is it? It's so cold it took the entire hot water tank to simply warm up the bathtub in my house so I could take a bubble bath. Usually some cool water is needed to make the temp agreeable, but not now.
How cold is it? It's so cold, even the Columbus Police Department idiots can't take the time to clean off their cars to have a clear view out their back window. (I so badly wanted to let them know what a quality example they were for their fellow citizens, but alas it would have landed me in a cold cell and I make me late for work.) (Odd how two weeks in a row I have thoughts that would land my bum in a cold cell. Hmmm.)
How cold is it? It's so cold, even set at 62 degrees, the heat in my house ran most of the night. I'm fearful to see the gas bill next month.
That's how cold it is.
Tuesday Urbana, Ohio Trivia
Urbana was one of five towns voted Best Hometown 2011 by Ohio Magazine.
In 1840 during the VanBuren-Harrison contest, downtown Urbana was the site for a national Whig convention dinner.
Urbana is the county seat for Champaign County.
Urbana was named after the town of Urbanna, Virgina. Urbanna means “City of Anne” and was named in honor of England’s Queen Anne.
Andrew Theodore "Drew" Daniel was the winner of Big Brother 5 in 2004. His hometown is Urbana, Ohio.
Joseph Vance, the 13th Governor of Ohio, was from Urbana.
The Urbana High School was designed to look like a castle from a distance.
This fact is not documented, but I believe Urbana-ians are taking over the world. I seem to meet people from Urbana all the time, it's kinda scary.
Day 14-This morning, my kind act again is keeping the Postal Service working. I sent another item in the mail to a friend. Why, well because I can and I think the person may like the item. Maybe not, I could be wrong, but well, will not be the first time.
U-r-b-a-n-a! Urbana!!!! Wahoo!
The person not only liked it but loved it. Thank you!
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