Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Trip...

I'm not sure why, maybe because the morning has been slow and I was trying to find the name of a book on the web or maybe because when you are sick you search for comforts and these are kind of comforting. Who knows, but I thought I'd take a trip down memory lane thinking of books that I loved during different times in my life.

As a child I loved these little books. Because they were small or fun, who knows, but I did. Maybe I felt like Little Ms. Bossy. Haven't changed much I guess.

Oddly this book really entered my life when I should have been too old to enjoy it. It was my sister's book, but I just loved the story. I loved it so much that in the 7th-8th grade, can't remember, during Read Week, my favorite teacher ever, Mrs. Spence asked me to read a story to her 3rd grade class. This is the book I read. Funny, Mrs. Spence made me think I wanted to teach 3rd grade. In ways, it would have been smart to continue on that path, but in others not so much.

Ah, James, in my pre-teens this book took me on an adventure that I could never do on my own. It was great, wonderful! I never went to see the movie. I didn't want the movie to ruin the images I had created in my head of the story.

In my early teens, I read as many Christopher Pike books I could get my hands on. I believe most of them are still on a bookshelf in my childhood bedroom at my parents. I used get them as gifts at holidays, I would read and re-read them over and over. My favorite of his books was this one Remember Me. I don't know know if it was just a good mystery or because the girl in the story was so strong and I wanted to be like that. I haven't read these in years, but this particular story, I can remember the entire thing. I wrote a short story in high school that was Christopher Pike esk. I have no idea where the story is now and likely it's horrible and best lost.

Ok, enough down memory lane. Do you have any childhood favorite books?

Photo of the day...

Well, it will not load, I've tried 3 times. Maybe tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Well considering that I grew up with no TV until I was in eighth grade I can only name the ones I reread more then twice and still read as an adult, otherwise I would need a lot more space for my list. ;-)
The Little Lame Prince, The Secret Garden, The Little Princess, and the Chronicles Of Narnia are my favorites. Apparently I have a taste for books with English characters.

Desi's Thoughts and Idea's said...

For me it's

1st grade-sam the firehouse cat

2nd grade-anything by beverly cleary-she made me want to go to oregon so bad.

3rd grade - A cricket in time square

4th - anything by judy blume in particular tales of a forth grade nothing.

I did love the narnia series, it has more meaning and relevance to me now as an adult.

Loved the post


allie said...

SirchKismet: No TV until the 8th grade, wow, I thought I had it bad with only one channel. At least you learned the joy of reading. *smile*

Des: You have always been into books, no wonder you have choosen your current career path. *grin*