Up & Down Monday...
Today, so far, has been a bit odd.
The morning started out pretty rough, woke up with sore throat and cough, but it's been getting better throughout the day. I'm hoping it goes away soon. I have a feeling it's from being trapping in a car for 12 hours with Sicky, McSickerson on the drive back yesterday. It took longer than normal because of the weather in Iowa and Illinois. Normally the weather dudes exaggerate the amount of snow, this time they underestimated.
I can not have a winter of being sick all the time. Go away, go away now!
Due to my lack of wellness and a general dislike of mornings, I had a struggle of getting up and going. I finally did, but not quick enough I was a bit late so will be here a bit late. ICK! Oh well, at least I didn't have an early morning appointment.
After my lack luster start, I was surprised and joyed to find a check I thought I had lost in a cabinet in my office. I must have put it up there thinking it would be safe and forgot about it. I've been looking for the check for two weeks and had written it off, but yeah, it's found...the day is looking up a bit.
Iowa stories and a few photos tomorrow-pending photo download.
Hope all have a bearable Thanksgiving!
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