Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Madness…

Ok, so there’s really nothing mad about today, but it kept you reading didn’t it. I had a typical weekend, no new exciting news to report, so I’m just going to share a few photos.

Oh and for those of you interested, the picture of the turkey was just a random photo I put up. It was a gift from my aunt and I put it up in my office, because one of my co-workers said my office was sterile. I “won” a Santa beard circa 1975 in the department white elephant gift. The entire process was very bizarre. I donated the beard to the department for future decorations. I’m not sure if it was used or not, but I wasn’t feeling it.

Oh and by the way. I learned today, the post office has international flat rate boxes. You can ship whatever fits in the box, no matter what the weight for one price. I believe the postman said it was $36 or $38. I don’t remember for sure. I have used the domestic flat rate boxes a lot, but didn’t even know about the international ones. Goes to show, I learn something new everyday. Now, if only I didn’t forget 5 things everyday, I’d be amazing.

Ok-prep for random photos...

My office is located in this building--taken last Friday while the snow was still on the ground.
I really wanted to take a moment and ponder the worlds problems,
but I wasn't up for a damp seat.
I think if this shrub were to come alive it could make a really interesting sci-fi movie.
My new desktop--I got a complement on it this morning from a student. I didn't tell him I took the photo, I didn't want to appear too self absorbed. However, I did consider giving him this blog address, but in the end decided it was not in my best interest, again, I might appear too self absorbed. heehee
Photo of the 2nd scarf I made. It was knitted last year, but didn't get the fringe on it until a couple of weeks ago. My Aunt P is now the happy(?) new owner of this scarf.
Happy Birthday Aunt P. 5th scarf I have made. A little girl will be getting this in her Christmas gift tonight, so I felt it was ok to share now. This is the first project I have done using two ball of yarn at the same time. I forgot to take a photo of scarf 3, it went to my Mom for her birthday. Scarf 4 is a holiday gift, so you will have to wait on the photo.