Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekend Observations…

This weekend, I noticed myself making mental notes of what not to do in the world based on observations of my fellow humans out and about.

1.   Do not walk around a department store talking on my cell phone with the speaker phone on. The other customers in the store might find me distracting, annoying, and downright rude, depending on the topic of conversation.

2.  Do not take my 7 or 8 year old daughter to see The Back-up Plan, it’s a crappy movie even for the $1 movie and it is rated PG-13. She will likely get bored or feel uncomfortable with the content and talk during the entire movie. Other movie goers might get a bit annoyed even if the movie is crap and she’s trying to talk softly. My daughter would more likely enjoy a movie not rated PG-13 and more PG.

3.  Do use the complementary footies offered in the shoe department. I wouldn’t want any possible foot fungus that I might have spread to others because I didn’t bother.

4.  Do not start working on the rental property I own before 10am. I will keep in mind that my renters may only get to sleep in once in every great while and might not enjoy the sound of a hammer pounding on the wall at the butt crack of dawn!

Oh Monday…get me to Wednesday and may the sun shine, I find pennies heads up, and the world love me Wednesday.

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