Greeting Cards…
I love a good greeting card…especially ones I can send online. There are fewer and fewer ones that can be sent at no cost as an e-card. I send real ones out from time to time. I’ve been fairly good about keeping my New Years promise to send real snail mail once a month.
I found a few online that I don’t know that I would send, but thought they were funny. You will have to picture the card with the phrases below.
Congratulations… you made it through Freshman year without getting pregnant.
I am constantly hitting escape, but I’m still here.
I just got thrown under the bus.
My stick figure could kick your stick figures butt!
Do they ever shut up on your planet.
How about a nice hot cup of…shut the hell up.
This one has to be my favorite, too damn funny!
Warning…unattended children will be given espresso and a puppy.
love the one about not getting pregnant! ;)
Grand, isn't it.
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