Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Answers…

You have been waiting for them...here they are.

1. Why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME! Are you too good for your HOME? Happy Gilmore

2. Yippy-ki-yay mother-fucker. Die Hard

3. Violet, you're turning violet! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

4. We're not worthy! Wayne’s World

5. You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?... They call it a Royal with Cheese. Pulp Fiction

6. Show me the money! Jerry Maguire

7. You can't handle the truth! A Few Good Men

8. Nobody puts Baby in a corner! Dirty Dancing

9. As you wish. The Princess Bride

10. It's not a tumor! Kindergarten Cop

11. There's no crying in baseball! A League of Their Own

12. Get busy living or get busy dying. The Shawshank Redemption

13. I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her. Notting Hill

14. We're not in Kansas anymore. Wizard of Oz

15. I'd like to call the United States from the smallest fucking room in the world! The Matchmaker

Now to the all important winners.  Let's see there were three brave souls that attempted the trivia.  Two of you got 9 out of 15, and one of you got the tricky last one.  I didn't expect anyone to get this one.  I thought I was the only one who had seen this movie more than once to remember the line.  So, maybe because this morning has been a challenge, or maybe I respect that the three of you tried, whatever the reason...you all win.  YEAH!  Ok, so really the prize is just a photo, but a prize none the less.  Review options from this link, According To Alison Photography, and let me know which one you would like and your preferred size.
It is Tuesday, right?

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