Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Random Wednesday Trivia…

In my attempt to assist you with your random trivia knowledge, once again Random Wednesday Trivia.

The town of Fort Atkinson, Iowa was the site of the only fort ever built by the U.S. government to protect one Indian tribe from another. Who is Paul Herold?  Well, he is the current mayor of Fort Atkinson.

The Rufous is the only species of hummingbird to nest in Alaska. They migrate 2,000 miles to Mexico each winter, and then back to Alaska in the spring.

After 11 years of living together, Danny De Vito and Rhea Perlman were married during a Taxi lunchbreak.

In the old school primer "Now We Read," the name of the cat featured with Dick, Jane, Sally, and their dog Spot, was Puff.

An ear of corn averages 800 kernels in 16 rows. A pound of corn consists of approximately 1,300 kernels. 100 bushels of corn produces approximately 7,280,000 kernels. Corn is produced on every continent of the world with the exception of Antarctica.

And now you know.


Anonymous said...

Very informative post. Rufous? Really? It sounds like a good name for pet, not a species.

allie said...

SS...It made me think of the movie Never Been Kissed…the word created by the “cool” guy was Rufous.