Wednesday, April 29, 2009


A small rant if I may.

I was given a card today. A “thank you” card. The card did not have my name on it and it was not signed. I was handed a blank card. The worst part, the card was from someone other than the person handing to me. I was told the person giving the card was “going green”. The person wanted me to be able to use the card again. Hummm, well I’m all about going green, I do believe we over consume crap and throw away too much more. However, this just seemed like a horrible idea. I didn’t feel as if this person really wanted to send a “thank you” my way, I understand using the card again—I guess. However, wouldn’t you take a moment to include a note on a post it or something to at least personalize it.

I like to send cards and letter. I like to send them because I like to get them. I like to get “real” mail every now and then, mixed in with the junk and the bills. A card, to me, says I wanted to take a moment to let you know I was thinking about you. How can I really take a moment to think about a person if I have someone else give the card out and don’t address or sign the card. So for me, this way of “going green” doesn’t cut it. I find it annoying and down right rude to be honest. Now if the card was hand delivered by the person sending it with a heart felt thanks, things might be a bit different.

My advice, be careful on your “going green".


Anonymous said...

I guess this is a WTF moment. It's hilarious that they gave you a thank you card in a second hand manner. Don't you feel the love Allie?

allie said...

Anonymous: I feel all the love from the readers. They are the best in the world. *smile*