Monday, January 26, 2009

Thank You...

Thanks for participating in my little survey to the side. I'll leave the results up for just a bit. I'm guessing not everyone voted, for only 4 voted. Or maybe there are only 4 of you who actually read this, who knows. *grin*

Anyway...Thank you, or...Thanks y’all, or...

Arabic: Shukran (shoe-krahn)

French: Merci (mehr-see)

German: Danke (dahn-kah)

Greek: Efcharisto (ef-har-rih-stowe)

Italian: Grazie (gra-see)

Japanese: Domo (doe-moe)

Korean: Kamsa hamnida (kam-sa-ham-nee-da)

Latin: Gratia (grah-tyah)

Mandarin: Xie xie (syeh-syeh)

Spanish: Gracias (Grah-cee-yas)



Desi's Thoughts and Idea's said...

I love the united nations take on thank you.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone can read this EVERY day and not everyone can access from work! So next time leave it up longer