Last Night's Adventure...
Ok, adventure is a bit of a stretch, but these days it's as much adventure as I see. I needed to go to the post last night, I figured it's only a few blocks away, I'll just bundle up and walk. I also took along my handy dandy point and shoot camera and took a few pictures from the fire since it's right across from the post.
These are the sidewalks and roads I had to conquer. I felt I could do it because I had just seen a size 0 bitch running in the road, so if she could do that, than I could certainly walk without falling.
Ah, poor Candle Lab. You had such nice candles. I really enjoyed the Pipe one-it reminded me of how the cans of tobacco, my grandfather had smelled. Funny how smells have such distinct memories attached to them.
The entire 2nd floor appears gutted.
I'm sure they will rebuilt, but with all the damage, my guess is they will have to start ground up. The odd thing is, this was all happening Saturday, just a few blocks from my house and I didn't even know it until Ms. H called to see if I had power. I guess it is good my power grid is different from the rest of Grandview.
I was going to walk down to Stauf's but the wind had picked up and I was beginning to really freeze, so I picked up some nice coffee beans from my 2nd fav, Caribou. I wanted one to drink, but with only one glove, I didn't want to have my hands out of pockets more than they needed to be. The glove is another story for another time.
I was quickly loosing daylight and wanted to take a bit of a random path home to capture this... crazy snow sculpture.
I don't know if it's the same dude or not. When I lived in Grandview before at this same house was a guy that craved tons of pumpkins every year and put them on display. I wonder if he pulled a me, I know he moved, did he return to exactly the same house?
I love that he put random shark fins braking out of the snow all around the yard. Clever, very clever.
I finally made it back to my house, yeah. I was frozen, but I mailed my card, and got a few random photos--just for my reading audience. Yeah YOU! Oh, and no falling-yeah ME!!
I was saddened to hear about the fire near my old stomping grounds.
Ah, yes. The traditional dumping of the Christmas trees on the Northwest Blvd median. Good times.
SS: Wow I lived in Grandview before and am there again, but I did not realize dumping the Christmas tree on Northwest was tradition. This now explains why there were actually two.
Michelle: I would be happy to send you all the snow, it's been around now for weeks, I'm tired of it. I say, where's 60 degrees?
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