8 Hours of Computer Training...
Need I say more on how my day is going? Well, no, but let me. I was so excited about the computer training this morning that I just had to take a knee, hard, outside in the snow in celebration and thank the university for allowing me this opportunity to learn this new system. Ha! That's Crap! The university scarped the sidewalks, but didn't bother to put any salt out, so it is making the sidewalks like walking on a skating rink, but less graceful.
Ok, need to pay attention now.
you are toooo funny.
D-I'm sure me falling was funny to those who watched, it was like a slow odd split like thing, but I survived it and the training session-yeah!
OK, next time you go down on your knees, just do your best Elvis impression and say "thank ya varry muuch!!"
Michelle: Brillant!!
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