Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Random Wednesday Stuff...

Sccccccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppp, SSSSSSSSSSccccccccrrrrraaaaaaaappppppppp, Scrap, scarp, scrap, sssssssssssssccccccccrraaaaaaaap. This was to be heard all over the neighborhood this morning. These are the sounds of winter in Ohio. The lovely snow was not so lovely when covered with a layer of ice this morning. I was one of the lazy ones funding the oil tycoons. I let my car heat up for a long time and melt the ice, I was not in the mood to stand in the cold and scrap off my car.

While in the ladies room this morning, I drink a lot of coffee and water, I noticed the paper dispenser had the brand name Scott printed all over it. I’ve never really noticed this before, but I had the thought…if you were a woman who just broke up with a man named Scott and you didn’t really want the break up, boy that would be a crappy thing to have to look at every time you went to the ladies room.

While driving to work this morning people were using all means possible to clean the winter crap off their cars. One (student I’m guessing) was using his college id to scrap. Now, I don’t think this is the best idea, it’s $15 to replace it and wouldn’t it be better to just let you car warm up a bit?

I love these tortilla chips with a hint of lime. I’m having a few right now for lunch; they are so tasty and will likely make the final list for the St. Pats party.

Last night I saw my first political campaign commercials for Clinton and Obama. Obama had a few, but he has more money right now. It’s great; this means my vote is important again, I’m important. Well, ok not me, but Ohio. I didn’t see any Republican ads; they may not be focused on Ohio just yet. According to a somewhat reliable source (heheehe) Clinton’s daughter was on campus this morning and Clinton herself will be on campus tomorrow night. I would like to go, but I don’t think that will happen. Mom, stop reading for just a moment. Did you stop? Well if you didn’t, I tried to warn you, I have a date. Yes a date, can you image. So, this will take precedence over seeing Clinton and I’m sure she will be back in Ohio many times in the next few weeks. I may never have another date again. Priorities people, priorities.

My poor Mom, I never really tell my parents when I’m going out with a guy. I just don’t see the point, it’s likely the dating will only last a month or two and then its over, so really why drag them into it. Love ya Mom and now you know, yes I date, and well you found out about Steve because I landed myself in the hospital. One day I’ll tell you about my first date with Steve, but not today. Oh and just so you know, no the date is not with Steve, he is gone, just like so many of the others. Although I will make two observations and these may be just random but I find it interesting. I seem to date guys with the same name. 2 Matt’s, 3 Chris’s, ok well so I guess it’s just two names, but really, I think that’s odd. I also seem to date guys who have birthdays on holidays. 2 on New Years Eve, yes two and with the same name, weird. 1 on Cinco de Mayo and yes it’s a holiday, good grief with the growing Hispanic population I don’t see how you even question this. On top of that it’s a reason to drink margaritas until you hurl. Hehee. Oh and 1 birthday on Valentine’s Day, which happens to be the one tomorrow. That’s right kids tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I’m focusing on the fact it’s his birthday and not the fact that it happens to also be Valentine’s Day.

Ok well enough for right now, I think I’ve spilt enough beans for one day.

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy…Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Poor Mama V...hope there are some smellin' salts nearby!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Isn't it scrape?