Thursday, October 01, 2009

Look 3 Days in a Row...

I have now actually logged in and am posting yet another delight for you to read. Yeah me!

Ok, so I'm sitting here eating my lovely fresh pineapple, cored with the awesome pineapple core device from Pampered Chef. However about 15 minutes ago, I had to run to the ladies room for a little break. I walk through the first door only to be struck by this sight that baffles me to no end. There is a nice young lady sitting on the 1970's plastic couch reading a novel. Why, why do ladies do this, the room is dingy and is part of the ladies rest room. GROSS! She is not the only one, it happens often.

Now, be aware this next sight is disturbing...

I can not just take a camera in to show you this scene, so I did a drawing--because people like me and I'm good enough. I'm not sure what exactly is more disturbing, that I am such a horrible sketch artist, I took the time to draw this out--add color none the less, or that I then walked down the hallway to the copied to scan it in for blog posting.

Yikes--these are the extremes I go to for you, my lovely readers.


Desi's Thoughts and Idea's said...

You crack me up!

The only bathroom to read in is your own bathroom.

Jonathan and Michelle said...

Tru dat Desi!! For crying out's a beautiful campus, she couldn't find a more pleasant place to read?...or perhaps she had the runs and didn't want to wander to far. Hmmmm.

allie said...

Desi & Michelle: we all agree.