Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Random Tuesday Ramblings….

Last night I had dinner with the marrieds, well the Ladies of the Marrieds (sounds like a band title to me); the men folk were out earning some bacon to bring home. This is a tradition that had fallen to the side as our lives have taken on such busy schedules, so it was a delight to visit the tradition again and hope it will not be too long for the next one.

I experienced my first winter driving fun last night. After hours of endless random chatting and leaving way past the time I should, I had to scrape my car off from the snow. ICK! This is a cold and not particularly fun experience. Then as I was coming into Grandview I hit a patch of black ice and did a mini spin. I didn’t hit anything thank goodness so all was well. There were a ton of accidents though. Two different parts of 315 were closed because of accidents and there were a few cars against the cement wall on the interstate headed in the wrong direction. I’m guessing they also found black ice, but were not as lucky as I to avoid walls and other cars. Winter wonderland time is upon us.

My apologies to Buffalo Bills fans out there, I know there are a couple of you. I didn’t watch the game, but started driving home as the 4th quarter started and listened to it on the radio. The start of the 4th quarter was great, such a long return for a touch down, yeah, the Browns are going to win; the Browns are going to win. The extra point is good, then the kick off. Shit, the Bills returned an even longer one for a touch down. What in the world? I didn’t get to hear part of the 4th quarter, getting into the house, getting under warm blankets and such, but then when I turned the radio back on, the Browns pulled off a 56 yard field goal, although the announcer argued in was 57. Game play, 50 some seconds on the clock and the Bills are ready to kick a field goal, a more reasonable yardage one. The announcers were holding their breath, thinking how the Browns were going to come back from being down two points after the goal was made. Then, the kick—NO GOOD! The announcer was doing cart wheels, ready to take on the world-his Browns had just won the game, it was just a matter of taking a knee for the next play. Sorry for the recap for those who listened or watched, but it amused me. I then was off to a peaceful slumber, but kicking myself for just a bit for not getting to sleep earlier.

Cake should be yellow or white, not chocolate. However, pretzels should always be dipped in dark chocolate, not white. Funny.

This episode will now conclude. A Tremendous Tuesday to you all.


Anonymous said...

you have a seriously weird look out on life and i don't appreciate my teams losing efforts recapped AGAIN!!! See if you get any dark chocolate pretzels or buckeyes this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

allie said...

anonymous: Now I said my apologies first! Don't be a hater, give a girl some dark chocolate buckeyes!