Wednesday, June 04, 2008


The follow rant may, very likely, piss you off…you were warned, read at your own risk.

I haven’t gone on a good rant for quite some time; I’ve been more focused on pictures, travel, and such. These are all great, but I’m guessing state of the world, the storm that left me with little sleep, or need for coffee have lead to the following.

First let me start with the news. Last night, for the first time in a while, I watched the 6:30pm national news. I’m a Brian Williams girl when I do watch, Katie drives me nuts and the other dude just seems old. Lead story, Obama will claim the Democratic nomination tonight. Great, my girl is out. Out! CRAP! I’m ok with Obama, crap anyone had got to be better than what we have right now, good grief. However, I feel Obama talks a good talk, but will not make a great President. He has only been a senator for a few years, he does not have extensive experience in politics in general, and he has NO international experience. I’m sorry becoming a member of an international committee a month before starting to run for election does not meet my needs for international experience as a President. I’m not saying change is bad, it’s not, I believe things should be shaken up every now and then in all aspects of the world. Hell in that sense, even the horrible events of 911 was a wake up call to Americans who believed they lived in a bubble and the rest of the world did not affect them. See now you are starting to get pissed, but don’t miss-construe my statement, read it clearly.

I’m not saying Hillary is the grand candidate either, but in my opinion she gets it, she has at least seen many parts of the world and they know who she is. Crap, this woman is stronger than me, I would have left Bill for his actions, but she toughed it out and likely he paid, but good for her, he needed to pay. So, the evening news started just ducky for me.

News report number 2, GM is closing at least 2 of its truck plants. One of these is in Ohio, just behind the home of a good friend. So now there are going to me even more people in Ohio out of work and they do not have a job skill transferable to another job. Not that Ohio has other jobs for these kids, nope. We seem to be focused on spinning the same wheel over and over again and not bringing more jobs into Ohio. There was an attempted with Sky Bus and they just gave Net Jets a huge break to stay in Ohio, but they should have anticipated the rise in fuel costs and should have realized this was not the best decision. There has been discussion for months, months, of fuel going to outrageous prices. What roads to these kids think the people going the airport are driving? Now what tax money is going to repair these roads when they get torn up? Good question? Some tax breaks yes, but didn’t their mothers teach them if they give away the milk for free the cow will never be bought? Nope, no their mothers did not teach them this because they are ALL MEN! Why are they all men, well that’s a fine question, when the majority of individuals receiving a higher education in this country are women. Is it that women feel they can’t do the job and don’t run for office? Not likely. It’s more likely they know they will be beat by a man, because again, in general people do not like change and just seem to vote for the men, because they have always voted for men.

News report number 3, fuel cost is cancelling flights across the nation. Great! Now, I’ll never fly anywhere, as I predicted a month ago after my return from Seattle, flying will again return to being a luxury for only the elite. I say where are these MEN that are running the country? I can not believe that with all the scientist in the world there is not one, one possible solution to replacing the current form of fuel with something cheaper and more efficient. Bull Shit, is all I’ve got to say, I have a hard time believing that these oil idiots can not spare a few more tax dollars to help with the cost going to Americans. “Oh, we’ll just have to raise prices, even though we are making billions and billions every year.” I have a difficult time believing these oil idiots are not paying off some scientist somewhere that has an answer, just so they an make more money.

So, the news was not off to a great start for me and didn’t really get much better.

I’m also reading this book, it’s not what I thought it was going to be, but it’s an ok book, but the more I read, the more pissed I get. The book is about being single and the point is to say hey it’s ok to be single you are still successful and you don’t have to be married if you don’t want to be. However, the more I read this book the more I see I’m discriminated against in small ways, because I am single. I am twice discriminated against because not only am I single, I don’t have children. The more I think about it the more it pisses me off.

When it comes to long weekends and holidays, who is suggested at the office that they might be the one to not take vacation because they don’t have a family. When it comes to events, there is a “family” price or “family night”, but yet as a single I have to pay the same as a family of 6. When it comes to my taxes, I get screwed. I, being single with no children, only have one income coming into my house. I don’t have any government assistance or a husband bringing in a second income, yet I’m the only one who does NOT get a tax deduction for just being single! I get screwed again, but yet who is putting the most money back into the economy, me and all other singletons. Where is mine I ask. I pay for other people’s children to get a decent, in theory, public education, for the better of mankind and the future of the world; however, I’m the one who does not get a tax break!

I would be better off if I got knocked up and had a child but didn’t get married. I have a cousin who got a dumb ass knocked up, I’m sorry she is a dumb ass, I can’t believe he even went out with her dumb ass, but that’s another issue. My cousin and she are not married, but they are living together, yet, she gets all kinds of government assistance, because she’s a “single mom”. They don’t make a ton of money and I’m happy to help with my tax money for those people, yet on the other hand, it really pisses me off, because my parents were married and had two kids and struggled their asses off for years. Mom should have divorced my dad and they could have just lived together at that point. They would have been much better off with an actual disposable income.

I’m also tired of the questions. I am solely identified now by the fact that I am single. I’m not sure when this happened exactly, I’m guessing in my last 20’s. Before then when I first met someone new, man or woman, they would ask: so how is college, started your career, done any traveling, long term plans? Now the questions come in this order: Married? Kids?...pause…and then asked with almost dread, single? It’s as if the fact that I didn’t stop them after married, kids, that they are regretful they even asked, as if I have the plague or need to be pitied, because what if I do answer I’m single. Why are these the first questions? As a singleton I’m pissed, as a woman I’m horrified. Do men get these same questions first with the same attitude? Is it because I’m in my early 30’s and a woman that my life should be defined by my husband and children? I don’t think so! What happened to the how is your career going, travelling, long term plans? Where did those questions go? Yes, I’m single, yes, I would like to find a husband, but NO I’m not willing to loose sight of myself or my goals to settle for a man that does not fit with these. I have to apologize to a very good friend because on Monday, I did something very similar to what I’m pissed about. I am sorry—your goals in life are much more important to me than your dating life.

Ok, well I’ve got actual work that needs to be completed and I have a lovely dentist appointment later for a tooth that had a root canal in March that is still hurting. That’s my life kids, singleton and mouth pain, good times…good freaking times. Now, how many of you are pissed? I warned you!


Anonymous said...

thanks al I needed some amusement after this morning, and your rants always amuse... at least that is better than pissed :)

Desi's Thoughts and Idea's said...

Hey Al,

you know how I feel about obama so let's agree to disagree. but I'm so with you the gas prices. those idiots must think we're stupid. We just call them like we see them. they're just greedy as hell. I'm alos with you on the singleness issue. it's like if you're not part of a set you're broken. I'm tired of waiting to be "picked" by someone to be considered valuable. I'm wonderful right now in my singleness. I'm also free-but not on sale.

Anonymous said...

Right on! You should publish a recurring article in a newspaper or magazine.

A female that I haven't seen since high school found me on MySpace two months ago. Her first message to me, "Long time no see! Have kids? Married?"

I respond, "No and no."

She responds, "Well what have you been doing since high school then?"

Are you fucking joking? I haven't communicated with her since. :)

Laura said...

I hate the question that follows the married and kids questions. The dreaded, "so, who are you dating?", or the "so, dating anyone new?".
I really loved it when my grandma suggested I just get married - it didn't matter to whom, just whoever asked me. 'Cause you know my uterus and eggs are going to fall out when I hit 35 and no man in his right mind will want me. Good Grief!