Friday, June 27, 2008

1 or 2...

You know how when you go to the eye doc they always seem to make you choose which is better. 1 or 2, 2 or 3, 3 or 4, 1 or 2? I was playing at work today because it's been a very slow day, a Friday without orientations, and I was unwilling to actually start a project or work on a continuing one. I had my annual review yesterday, they didn't mention firing me, so I think I'm good.

Anyway, I have conflicting feeling when it comes to photography. Should one be a purest and and not tweak with photoshop or is photoshop ok. I know I should think about poverty in the world and what I can do to change it, but not today.

This is a random photo. I want to like it, but I'm just not sure about it. It's straight out of the camera, no tweaking.

This one has a bit of tweaking. I like it better, but I'm still not convinced it's a worthy photo.

So, tweak or not? 1 or 2?

Once in a great while I get lucky and I get a shot right out of the camera that I wouldn't think about tweaking. Ok, I think about it, but then I decide the original is the best.

This one for instance.

This one may actually end up in my living room or office, that is if Cord Camera gets their computers running correctly after getting hit by lightening the other night. I went to pick it up last night and it was not done. I haven't heard from them, but I'm hoping to get it today. If it prints well, then I'm going to be damned excited because I've liked this photo since I downloaded it from the camera. This is a rare occasion for me to like a photo for more than a day. Very rare.

Ok, so moving on from the photos...enjoy your weekend kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the tweaked photo better. I know that there are a lot of purest out there,but I'm more of an "ooooh isn't that pretty" girl.
