Monday, June 30, 2008

Destination Unknown…

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby Soho…

Sorry, sorry--I’m back.

I’m taking off for a very short road trip. It was a bit unexpected, but hopefully will be delightful and very productive. I know where I’m going but do you? Can you guess where I’m headed? Here are a few clues:

1. It’s in Monroe County

2. The temp is currently 77 degrees F

3. It labels itself as “Cranberry Country”

4. “Where the I Divides”

5. There is a VA in there

If you happen to know where I’m headed, please don’t be a spoiler. Destination will be reveled tomorrow.

Friday, June 27, 2008

1 or 2...

You know how when you go to the eye doc they always seem to make you choose which is better. 1 or 2, 2 or 3, 3 or 4, 1 or 2? I was playing at work today because it's been a very slow day, a Friday without orientations, and I was unwilling to actually start a project or work on a continuing one. I had my annual review yesterday, they didn't mention firing me, so I think I'm good.

Anyway, I have conflicting feeling when it comes to photography. Should one be a purest and and not tweak with photoshop or is photoshop ok. I know I should think about poverty in the world and what I can do to change it, but not today.

This is a random photo. I want to like it, but I'm just not sure about it. It's straight out of the camera, no tweaking.

This one has a bit of tweaking. I like it better, but I'm still not convinced it's a worthy photo.

So, tweak or not? 1 or 2?

Once in a great while I get lucky and I get a shot right out of the camera that I wouldn't think about tweaking. Ok, I think about it, but then I decide the original is the best.

This one for instance.

This one may actually end up in my living room or office, that is if Cord Camera gets their computers running correctly after getting hit by lightening the other night. I went to pick it up last night and it was not done. I haven't heard from them, but I'm hoping to get it today. If it prints well, then I'm going to be damned excited because I've liked this photo since I downloaded it from the camera. This is a rare occasion for me to like a photo for more than a day. Very rare.

Ok, so moving on from the photos...enjoy your weekend kids.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mother Nature’s PMS…


I get, on average 7 hours of sleep a night, I would prefer 9, but that never happens, well rarely unless my body just gives out and I’m in bed by 9pm. I had just fallen asleep when the tornado sirens start going off. I tried to ignore them at first, but then decided I better put some clothes on and check out the situation to deem if the sirens are worthy of my attention. I trek down the stairs turn on the TV and see a very ominous weather map. There was a seriously dark red patch headed straight for the Grandview area. CRAP! I didn’t want to, didn’t even want to be awake, but I made myself go to the basement. Most of the time I figure if it’s coming no matter where I’m at it’s not going to matter, but that map really did look serious and it was oddly calm out with little wind, a bit creepy. I pulled out a camp chair grumbled my dismay and listened to the hail and rain falling outside. Ms. H called to make sure I had gotten my bum to the basement; she’s such a Mom sometimes.

After about 15 minutes, I had a problem. I really, really had to pee. What to do, the toilet was all the way upstairs, would a tornado sweep me away on the accent back up stairs? Why do I always have to pee at completely inopportune times? I thought about it for a bit and finally gave up, I didn’t care, I had to pee, so I made the accent up the stairs and then made my way back down to the basement because the sirens were still going off. I turned the TV up so I could hear it in the basement. I should have a small portable radio but don’t.

I settle back into my camp chair and had a few choice words for Mother Nature and her PMS. Finally the TV announced the tornado warning for Franklin County has been lifted, yeah! I headed back to the living room to watch a bit more of the TV to see what exactly was going on. I was a bit confused because they announced the warning was lifted but the sirens were still going off. The TV dude finally announced after about 30 minutes the sirens were not working, great, fun, good times. Annoyed, I traveled back to my bed but was unable to fall asleep for quite awhile. So, my typical 7 hours of sleep turned out to be closer to 5 hours of sleep. Even the iced coffee this morning is not really helping my brain function, kick in soon, please, kick in soon.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hocking Hills hike...

Saturday on a whim, Ms. D and I decided to head to Hocking Hills the Old Man's Cave area and do a bit of hiking. We decided to do a 5 mile trail, 2.5 each way to a falls. Well after a bit of turn around we think we did closer to 7 miles, but I'm sure it did us good. However, we were both in need of ice cream and loads of water by the end. I think I was worse off than Ms. D, she was so cool and collected while I was dieing for my next breath. Enjoy a few photos, sorry for the watermarks. I'm trying to get a store together on Etsy and need the watermark for it.

Bridge to Serenity...if you cross you will be home, not!

Ms. D...Don't JUMP! She's standing on a ledge, but you can't really tell from the photo--blame it on the photographer.

These were good steps, some were a bit more challanging with the fun tree roots going in every which direction.

I think Southeastern Ohio could have used some of the rain we had in the Columbus area the past few weeks. The falls were kinda thin.

A tranquil view, can you tell I was completely drained at this point?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Well what do you want to see first the good news or the bad news? Lets start with the bad so we can end on a positive note.

2:40pm yesterday afternoon, I learned I did not get the job I interviewed for yesterday morning. Sucks because I wasted a vacation day for the interview.

This morning I retrieved my mail and found a letter from OSU letting me know there was more of a demand for football tickets this year than available seats and I will not be getting any football tickets for next season. This really sucks more than the job. I would like to be able to go to at least a couple of games, but this just reminds me I'm at the bottom of the pit and simply the scum the bottom feeders lunch on.

Ready for some good news? I have a few photos from the track on Sunday. Yeah! Ok, so the good news doesn't really make up for the other, but what can I say.

Car before the race

Ms. H with drivers, Pete & Brian

Some famous dude from Speed Channel. I don't have cable and don't follow racing, so I don't remember his name, however he was easy on the eyes.

Team Cobalt's Pit--that's Ms. H's team

A more intense pit

Pit Row
The race, this is after the rain started coming down, but before the downpour

The winner, Yeah! However, on TV they always have soda spraying or milk or something, this guy wasn't having any of that.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

This weekend was full speed ahead. I hope to have some photos for you later in the week. Friday night movie, "Get Smart", very funny and I suggest you go see if when possible. Saturday a seven mile hike through Hocking Hills in the Old Man's Cave area with Ms. D. Saturday evening games and fun at Mr. B and Ms. A's. Sunday was a full day at the track. I'm on vacation today, yeah. Just for the day because I had an interview this morning. Not sure how it went, if I get it great if not, I'm still happy at my current job.

Ok, well that's a quick update.

Enjoy your Monday!

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's Friday...

Go dip your toes in the water, enjoy it's the first day of summer!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Power of UMMM….

I would not say I’m the best public speaker, but I do feel I can keep an audience engaged when needed. We are in orientations right now. I have to do presentations to usually groups of 20-30 students and parents. I sat in today while another individual was giving the presentation and good grief at every pause there was an ummmm. I found this terribly distracting. I may do this and never noticed, but now I have to do a presentation this afternoon and I’m really concerned about this ummm factor. I have concerns I’ll be so focused to see if indeed I’m doing it also, that I will not keep the audience engaged. Ummm, Yikes!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008



Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You Too...

A purchase of one of my cards did happen over the weekend. Right now it is sitting on the top of my bookshelf at work. I put it there to remind my co-workers to go in and vote. Did you vote today? I know it seems like you have been voting forever, but keep it up, please. :)

My very of greeting card. If only Hallmark knew that as a young child I would create greeting cards and "sell" them to my family. My parents and family were crazy enough to give me money for my hand drawn cards, crazy kids. I would never have believed that one day I would have a real greeting card printed by Hallmark of all people. Can you imagine?

You too can now own my masterpiece! :) If you are going to purchase the card, it is cheaper in the stores than online, just an FYI. I don't get anything from the sale of the cards, so don't buy unless you really want it. I guess now my sister might let me sign the photo I did for her for her birthday, since now I'm actually famous, or is this not famous enough?

Monday, June 16, 2008


Guess what you can find in your local Hallmark store today! Yep, that's right kids you can go hog wild. :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Flashback 2002...

I live in the same apartment I lived in, in 2002. Odd, rarely do you move back into the same apartment, but I did. Yesterday I had flashbacks to 2002 living with the great Ms. A, Champs-Elysées playing on our answering machine (remember answering machines), surviving early mornings with tons of Caribou coffee with Ms. L, and having my car stuck in rising water.

The same events happened last night, well just ther rising water, but I can hear the Champs-Elysées in my head right now. I was in Hilliard during the actual rain, but I came home to this...

Guy who took my nice cleaned out space during the blizzard this winter. Karma buddy, Karma!

The water came up to my front step at the highest, but I didn't think to go back out and get pictures. It was about an inch high at the front step and I'm three townhouses from the end where the deepest part was. The water went up to where only an inch of the white car's tires were showing. Poor guy he was golfing and wasn't there to move his car until the water started to go back down.

I guess at least I wasn't there and my car wasn't stuck in the water and I didn't have to call a tow truck like I did in 2002. My street just doesn't do well with loads of water all at once. Time to move?

On a side note, my co-worker found this on craigs list and I got a chuckle, hope you all have a great weekend.

An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his help in reviving her husband's libido. "What about trying Viagra?” asks the doctor. "Not a chance", she said. "He won't even take an aspirin". "Not a problem", replied the doctor. "Give him an "Irish Viagra". It's when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won't even taste it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went". It wasn't a week later that she called the doctor, who directly inquired as to progress. The poor dear exclaimed, "Oh, faith, bejaysus and begorrah! T'was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!" "Really? What happened?" asked the doctor. "Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect was almost immediate. He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his eye, and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! With one swoop of his arm, he sent the cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and took me then and there, took me passionately on the tabletop! It was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!" "Why so terrible?" asked the doctor, "Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn't good"? "Twas the best sex I've had in 25 years! But sure as I'm sittin' here, I'll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again!"

Thursday, June 12, 2008


If you are a regular reader of this blog you may have noticed my absence. I wish I could say I was on a great holiday, but I wasn't.-still searching for the passport. However, alas, I have returned to the blogging world.
The past weekend was a blur, Art Festival, Park Street Festival with live music from Red Wanting Blue and 17th Floor, Gallery Hop, research, and disappointment. Yeap all wrapped into three neat little days. I have been wanting a better camera, I have a nice one, but I want an SLR. I wasn't sure which one, did a bit of research and finally decided on one. They are all rather expensive. I didn't choose the most expensive or the cheapest, but the one I feel would serve me best. I debated over spending the money. I located one at a cheaper price and they offered 18 months same as cash. Ms. H, being a trooper, went with me to make my gleeful purchase. However the purchase did not happen, the pricing was not correct and the company did not want to stand by what they had told me on the phone or what was written in their advertisement, so I walked away. I was drained, I had been running on adrenaline and this was a major let down.
I made it home and decided that evening I would return to another store Monday after work and purchase the camera there, a bit more expensive, but nice people and 12 months same as cash. I was too excited, barely slept Sunday night, anxious to have the camera in my little paws.

I got up Monday morning ready for work, leaving early even though I had little sleep, motivated. I walked out to my car to find this...

So I walked back into my house, called my Mom, because I'm still not a full fledged adult, to confirm I did indeed have to file a police report for the insurance. I call the CPD and yeah the dispatcher said that since it was so early nothing was really going on in the city and the CPD would be there soon. Sure enough a fine gentleman in uniform arrived within 10 minutes. Hit-Skip report filed, Monday spent on phone with insurance company to find out I have a 500 deductible even though some asswipe did this and I didn't. So, now I'll be sending 500 on my car and not on this...

Yes, tears should be shed, a few even were. Hey, I'm a girl and this is some serious disappointment here. This is worse then the time in grade school that I played summer softball and the team had a pool party, but "forgot" to invite me. Yep, I guess when you are not friends with the coaches kid, the team suddenly "forgets" you were part of it. I cried then too, privately in the bathroom, tears are not something I'm proud of. Suck it up, is what I say most of the time. But for this, yes, go ahead shed a tear.

So I took a break from blogging. I was too bitter, too angry, and I don't want to be a bitter, angry person, so I didn't blog. Now, I'm still upset, but am trying to look at the situation differently-at least my deductible is not more than my economic check from the government and a car door that opens completely may be needed in the future and some day, maybe I'll have the camera, maybe.

Friday, June 06, 2008

It's Friday...

None too soon, the work week is ending, the weekend hath come. Thank Goodness! Loads of free stuff going on in the city this weekend, take advantage, free is good. Just a few to think about...Art Festival, Park Street Festival, and Short North Gallery Hop. Get out and enjoy the heat.

Did I mention it's Friday!!!!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008


I don't want to be responsible, I don't want to work, I don't want to be here. Places I'd rather be today...

Please take me away?!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


The follow rant may, very likely, piss you off…you were warned, read at your own risk.

I haven’t gone on a good rant for quite some time; I’ve been more focused on pictures, travel, and such. These are all great, but I’m guessing state of the world, the storm that left me with little sleep, or need for coffee have lead to the following.

First let me start with the news. Last night, for the first time in a while, I watched the 6:30pm national news. I’m a Brian Williams girl when I do watch, Katie drives me nuts and the other dude just seems old. Lead story, Obama will claim the Democratic nomination tonight. Great, my girl is out. Out! CRAP! I’m ok with Obama, crap anyone had got to be better than what we have right now, good grief. However, I feel Obama talks a good talk, but will not make a great President. He has only been a senator for a few years, he does not have extensive experience in politics in general, and he has NO international experience. I’m sorry becoming a member of an international committee a month before starting to run for election does not meet my needs for international experience as a President. I’m not saying change is bad, it’s not, I believe things should be shaken up every now and then in all aspects of the world. Hell in that sense, even the horrible events of 911 was a wake up call to Americans who believed they lived in a bubble and the rest of the world did not affect them. See now you are starting to get pissed, but don’t miss-construe my statement, read it clearly.

I’m not saying Hillary is the grand candidate either, but in my opinion she gets it, she has at least seen many parts of the world and they know who she is. Crap, this woman is stronger than me, I would have left Bill for his actions, but she toughed it out and likely he paid, but good for her, he needed to pay. So, the evening news started just ducky for me.

News report number 2, GM is closing at least 2 of its truck plants. One of these is in Ohio, just behind the home of a good friend. So now there are going to me even more people in Ohio out of work and they do not have a job skill transferable to another job. Not that Ohio has other jobs for these kids, nope. We seem to be focused on spinning the same wheel over and over again and not bringing more jobs into Ohio. There was an attempted with Sky Bus and they just gave Net Jets a huge break to stay in Ohio, but they should have anticipated the rise in fuel costs and should have realized this was not the best decision. There has been discussion for months, months, of fuel going to outrageous prices. What roads to these kids think the people going the airport are driving? Now what tax money is going to repair these roads when they get torn up? Good question? Some tax breaks yes, but didn’t their mothers teach them if they give away the milk for free the cow will never be bought? Nope, no their mothers did not teach them this because they are ALL MEN! Why are they all men, well that’s a fine question, when the majority of individuals receiving a higher education in this country are women. Is it that women feel they can’t do the job and don’t run for office? Not likely. It’s more likely they know they will be beat by a man, because again, in general people do not like change and just seem to vote for the men, because they have always voted for men.

News report number 3, fuel cost is cancelling flights across the nation. Great! Now, I’ll never fly anywhere, as I predicted a month ago after my return from Seattle, flying will again return to being a luxury for only the elite. I say where are these MEN that are running the country? I can not believe that with all the scientist in the world there is not one, one possible solution to replacing the current form of fuel with something cheaper and more efficient. Bull Shit, is all I’ve got to say, I have a hard time believing that these oil idiots can not spare a few more tax dollars to help with the cost going to Americans. “Oh, we’ll just have to raise prices, even though we are making billions and billions every year.” I have a difficult time believing these oil idiots are not paying off some scientist somewhere that has an answer, just so they an make more money.

So, the news was not off to a great start for me and didn’t really get much better.

I’m also reading this book, it’s not what I thought it was going to be, but it’s an ok book, but the more I read, the more pissed I get. The book is about being single and the point is to say hey it’s ok to be single you are still successful and you don’t have to be married if you don’t want to be. However, the more I read this book the more I see I’m discriminated against in small ways, because I am single. I am twice discriminated against because not only am I single, I don’t have children. The more I think about it the more it pisses me off.

When it comes to long weekends and holidays, who is suggested at the office that they might be the one to not take vacation because they don’t have a family. When it comes to events, there is a “family” price or “family night”, but yet as a single I have to pay the same as a family of 6. When it comes to my taxes, I get screwed. I, being single with no children, only have one income coming into my house. I don’t have any government assistance or a husband bringing in a second income, yet I’m the only one who does NOT get a tax deduction for just being single! I get screwed again, but yet who is putting the most money back into the economy, me and all other singletons. Where is mine I ask. I pay for other people’s children to get a decent, in theory, public education, for the better of mankind and the future of the world; however, I’m the one who does not get a tax break!

I would be better off if I got knocked up and had a child but didn’t get married. I have a cousin who got a dumb ass knocked up, I’m sorry she is a dumb ass, I can’t believe he even went out with her dumb ass, but that’s another issue. My cousin and she are not married, but they are living together, yet, she gets all kinds of government assistance, because she’s a “single mom”. They don’t make a ton of money and I’m happy to help with my tax money for those people, yet on the other hand, it really pisses me off, because my parents were married and had two kids and struggled their asses off for years. Mom should have divorced my dad and they could have just lived together at that point. They would have been much better off with an actual disposable income.

I’m also tired of the questions. I am solely identified now by the fact that I am single. I’m not sure when this happened exactly, I’m guessing in my last 20’s. Before then when I first met someone new, man or woman, they would ask: so how is college, started your career, done any traveling, long term plans? Now the questions come in this order: Married? Kids?...pause…and then asked with almost dread, single? It’s as if the fact that I didn’t stop them after married, kids, that they are regretful they even asked, as if I have the plague or need to be pitied, because what if I do answer I’m single. Why are these the first questions? As a singleton I’m pissed, as a woman I’m horrified. Do men get these same questions first with the same attitude? Is it because I’m in my early 30’s and a woman that my life should be defined by my husband and children? I don’t think so! What happened to the how is your career going, travelling, long term plans? Where did those questions go? Yes, I’m single, yes, I would like to find a husband, but NO I’m not willing to loose sight of myself or my goals to settle for a man that does not fit with these. I have to apologize to a very good friend because on Monday, I did something very similar to what I’m pissed about. I am sorry—your goals in life are much more important to me than your dating life.

Ok, well I’ve got actual work that needs to be completed and I have a lovely dentist appointment later for a tooth that had a root canal in March that is still hurting. That’s my life kids, singleton and mouth pain, good times…good freaking times. Now, how many of you are pissed? I warned you!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Saturday I attend the fashion show on campus, it was highly recommend I make an appearance.

To protect the innocent, I have cropped out their faces, but here are a few of the designs. They were actually very good. Even though, I'm not a fashion person.

The picture does not do this one justice, trust me it was really good, gray with purple ruffling in the back.

Orange, I'm having September flashbacks--no, no
My Fav of the night, but don't tell the other designers
Love the green
Oh Marilyn...

But really again, who am I to judge, this is my fashion...I get bored when I'm not the driver.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Random Monday...

I'm having a bit of a blah Monday, not good or bad, just Monday. I don't want to be at work, but the work day is passing quickly. Lou amuses me, so I thought I'd post a few Lou photos from the Seattle trip that did not get posted before.

Lou enjoying the harbor ride

Lou grabbing a snack on Bainbridge Island
Lou, always a fan of safety, hanging out near the life preserver on the ferry ride to the islands