Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend of Fun...

I had a lovely weekend filled with the OSU game and a bachelorette party! There really were no pictures taken at the bachelorette party-I feel what happens at those, stays at the party. heeehee-we were mostly good, but realllllly tipsy.

I did take tons of pictures at the game and really enjoyed the commentary from the guy behind us. Some of my favorite quotes from the day...

"Damn-it Todd!"..................."Where's Saine, I just don't understand why he's not playing"................"He's number 3, no, not that number 3, there are two of them, that one plays defense, this one plays offense".................................."Man the Bucks are hit'em hard today!"

I don't know that the humor comes through here, but just imagine these statements and many more repeated over and over throughout the entire game. According to this guy, he should be coaching the team. Too funny!

She's ready to be on the front line-look out Northwestern!

Come on Tres, I'm ready, put me in!

The boys getting pumped before the game

Block O

Tres, over here, Tres!!!

The Northwestern Wildcats-doesn't he look fierce

A sea of scarlet and gray

The band visiting our section, well a couple of them
Yeah, OSU won!

Ok, we kicked some Wildcat ass....58 to 7---GO BUCKS!!!!

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