Monday, September 10, 2007

Maggie, Work, and Champions

I spent the majority of this past weekend at my parents. I had a nice visit home to see the monster, aka-Maggie. I also worked at my parents store and then was strongly persuaded to attend the local fair with my mother to potentially purchase an animal. This is a marketing tool for the store.

Isn't she just the most adorable cat

Look at that face

Sale ring at fair

Mom with elephant ear, she might shoot me for this pic

Grand Champion Steer

My parents getting their picture taken for buying the steer to go in the local paper--my parents celebs.

Not to panic kids-I thought I had killed my camera, but alas it only had a tremendous amount of dust on the lids and is working just dandy now. Thank goodness, what would you do without all my pics. heehee

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