Monday, May 24, 2010

Say What You Think…

When a child comes up and says, “you are fat”, or “you have ugly hair”, or “your feet smell” they are not usually trying to be mean, they are simply saying what they think based on what they see. They have no filter. At what age do we lose that? At what age do we start masking what we want to say to save the feelings of another person or to stay within acceptable social norms?

It’s frustrating, really, I feel there should be a way to say what you think as an adult, to get issues out in the open and stop filtering them. Wouldn’t you like to say to your boss, “I’m underpaid, overworked, underappreciated and I have mound of student loans that need to be paid off, I need a raise.” I would, but I don’t, I say it other ways, less direct, like completing my annual review and trying include all the wonderfulness that is me.

We all have a co-workers that we would love to say to them , “Do your damn job!”. We ignore it or may focus on a non-issue to maybe get them geared toward doing their job.

Every now and then we have a friend or family member that we would like say to them, “You are being an ass!”. We don’t, we don’t say anything. Sometimes it stresses us out so much sleep is lost over it.

I used to be a person who said what they were thinking much of the time, regardless. In high school I was called _____ bitch. My last name started with a “b”, so it was an easy fit. I got this because I used to say what I thought. I didn’t have a ton of friends because of this, but didn’t really care. The friends I did have were real friendships and to hell with the other idiots. Now, I find it funny that these idiots what to facebook me. Really?!?!

I wish I could go back to saying what I think, but I’ve surrendered to the social norms and will go along with all the other sheep thinking what I want to say, but never saying it. Maybe one day, I’ll feel free enough to blog about it, but I think that blog would have to be a private one that no one was really allowed to read. *smile* Not much of a blog.


Jonathan and Michelle said...

We are opposite, I used to hold back...but now I don't care...funny, huh? Don't let others dicate who you are my friend!!

allie said...

Ah Ms. M-love ya!