Friday, May 21, 2010

Flying High…

This morning was a bit miserable, so I felt I would make the most of it and stop for a “fancy” coffee. I haven’t had a “fancy” coffee in quite some time. I did the quick Starbucks drive-throw and got a iced white chocolate mocha. TASTY! Well, since it had been so long since I have a “fancy” coffee it was way too sweet. I made a pot of hazelnut coffee in my office and added it to the mocha. This worked wonderfully, more coffee taste and less sweet. However, this means, I had about 3 shots of espresso and another two cups of coffee, not to mention the sugar. So right now, I’m flying high. If my shaky leg were logging miles I would guess about 20 at this point. The worst part is the headache I created for myself, darn it.

Ah, Friday, thank goodness 430pm is almost here.

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