Monday, May 17, 2010

The Crew…

Saturday I went to the Crew game. I don’t really know all the rules for soccer, but the atmosphere at the games are great, the crowd really gets into it. Some of their cheers are a bit odd, if you ask me, but at least they are having fun. We sat every close to the section that encourages people to bring drums, flags, streamers, and such. They are load and like true soccer fans, unlike me, a fair weathered soccer fan. I didn’t even get into it the summer I lived in Ireland. It would be a great workout, continuously running for 90 minutes, but some games there is no score and like Saturday, the majority of the game can pass before the maybe one goal is actually made.

It was a fun night…even if there was an almost dog attach at the end of the night. Long story, but story short, no dogs were harmed Saturday night and no humans either.

I was going to post a couple of pics, but they will not post, so maybe later.

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