WI Trip Info…
I’ll give you the brief version because my head is spinning. Why is my head spinning you ask. Some dude is painting the main portion of our office suite and it’s a bit strong. ICK!
Anyway, the trip began at 6:45am Wednesday morning.
We drove, drove, drove some more, stopped to pee, got petrol, grabbed a bite to eat, drove, drove, drove, drove, drove, stropped to pee, got petrol, grabbed a bite to eat, drove, drove, drove, drove, checked into hotel, drove around the small town, and 10 minutes later, had seen the town. Tomah it turns out is a rather small town. Picture Caldwell, Ohio with a Wal-mart or Kenton, Ohio, wait does it have a mall I can’t remember if it does it’s too big. These would be good comparisons. Zanesville, Ohio is too large if that gives you any idea.
My sister went for her interview Thursday morning. I drove out of town to find...farmland. I decided to drive a bit on the other side of town, farmland. I think I saw cranberry marshes, but can’t be sure, I’m have no idea what a cranberry plant looks like.
I’ll give you the brief version because my head is spinning. Why is my head spinning you ask. Some dude is painting the main portion of our office suite and it’s a bit strong. ICK!
Anyway, the trip began at 6:45am Wednesday morning.
We drove, drove, drove some more, stopped to pee, got petrol, grabbed a bite to eat, drove, drove, drove, drove, drove, stropped to pee, got petrol, grabbed a bite to eat, drove, drove, drove, drove, checked into hotel, drove around the small town, and 10 minutes later, had seen the town. Tomah it turns out is a rather small town. Picture Caldwell, Ohio with a Wal-mart or Kenton, Ohio, wait does it have a mall I can’t remember if it does it’s too big. These would be good comparisons. Zanesville, Ohio is too large if that gives you any idea.
My sister went for her interview Thursday morning. I drove out of town to find...farmland. I decided to drive a bit on the other side of town, farmland. I think I saw cranberry marshes, but can’t be sure, I’m have no idea what a cranberry plant looks like.

Are these cranberry plants? And what are these birds? Tomah, WI

IL, going green!

My sister with the camera, I promise, it wasn't me!!!

Can you guess what this truck is hauling?? WI

Green Beans! Can you imagine, they aren't even covered and they were loosing a few out the back. Oh course who cares because green beans taste like dirt smells, ick!!! WI

We went to the Cranberry museum, well we went to the gift shop, the museum was $4 and as big as my living room. Warrens, WI

Look who made the trip, by reader request, seriously, I was as shocked as you now are.

Loads and loads of corn fields! IL

Just outside of the town of Tomah, WI
We didn’t really stop to take many photos, disappointing for me, but interesting in that my sister seemed to miss most photo opps when I was driving. We don’t know exactly who took what photos, because I was trying to take some while driving. I know 70 miles an hour is not the time for a winning photo, but well I couldn’t be stopped. These are a few random ones. No touch ups here kids, these are straight out of the camera, can ya tell. :)
The return trip Thursday afternoon: We drove, drove, drove some more, stopped to pee, got petrol, grabbed a bite to eat, drove, drove, drove, drove, drove, stropped to pee, got petrol, grabbed a bite to eat, drove, drove, drove, drove, drove, and drove.
A co-worker asked if we played any road trip games during the drive. We didn’t really, the only game we played is how long can we make it until we have to pee again. I seem to have lost this game every time. I think every time we stopped it was because I was the one that had to pee of course my sister did too, but she was not as demanding as I was. It’s that first child syndrome, I have to be demanding to get what I want.
Hmmm. This doesn't seem to be Lou's type of trip. Was he bored?
Yeah, he didn't want to leave the comfort of his seat too often.
The reader who requested Lou accompany you on this trip is VERY happy that he did. I always like seeing and reading about Lou's new adventures! Will he be making the trip out to Des Moines?
I'm am here for my reading audience, your wishes are my command. :)
Likely, yes Lou will make the trip. I feel Lou might enjoy Des Moines, it is a bit larger than Tomah.
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