First Ever Contest on This Site…
Ok, kids, exciting new news. I’m going to do it, jump two feet in. I’m going to try this photography thing. It’s likely the dumbest idea considering the economy right now, but I’ll have fun going broke. Hehehehe, positive thinking, I know I do it so well.
I’m been working on this little new blog to promote the photos. I welcome you all to the grand opening of the new blog and According To Alison Photography. I’m going to start small, “Aim Small, Shoot Small”. If this goes, cross your little fingers, then I’ll work up to a full fledged website with flash and all that fun stuff. *smile*
Anyway, here’s the site… Go, review, enjoy!
The fun part, the contest. I need some promotion of the site and the photos. So, I need your help loyal readers, please help, I’m begging, but willing to reward you for your efforts. All you have to do is comment on how you will promote my site. It could be putting the link on your website, making an announcement on MySpace, Facebook, etc., or just promising to tell a friend, co-worker, family member about the site. If you typically comment anonymously, please feel free to avoid creating an account, but please put your name at the end of your comment. I will choose a winner at random.
What will you win? Excellent question, you guys are always on top of things. Well you will win your choice of one of the first 3 prints available on the site, I will announce the winner and you let me know which one you would like and where I should ship it. I could give you a 4x6 print, but I like you all so much (and really need the promotion, just kidding, but not) that I’m going to give you an 8x10 print. Now if you don’t like the prints or my work, I completely understand you can decline commenting or if you are competitive and just want to see if you can win, then you can decline the prize or give it to a co-work you really don’t like, but want to mess with their head by giving them a random gift.
Ok, does this sound like a good deal. All comments must be posted by 12pm Eastern Time, tomorrow, Friday! Winner will be announced on tomorrow’s blog entry. So go comment and start promoting. Thanks!!!!
I'm so happy for you! Do I get an entry for each form of advertising I assist with? ;)
I'll post a blog about you on MySpace and something on Facebook if I can figure it out. I'm also emailing you shortly with a link exchange idea between i-Fusion Inc. and your site.
Pick me! Pick me!
Beautiful pictures! If your sister wants to graduate, you better pick me! :)
Shared with co-workers and now my degree is on the line. THANKS AL!!! Ms. N
I'll add you as a link on my blog and also show your pictures to my co-workers. I already have started even before the contest.
I think it is great.
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