Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More Iowa Photos...

Hotel or Castle?

After the floods a few weeks earlier

Lou--wanted a ride on the horse
Sandbags around the stadium to try and stop the rising water
Standing water in Illinois--watch those grocery bills go up, up, up

The Three Musketeers and a Knight

Got Butter?

More flood stuff

I told you there were loads of cows

This railroad bridge doesn't even look like a train can cross

The Capital Building--long story short, I have about 40 photos of this thing, all with power lines and other crap in the road.

Construction, anyone know what they are building, me neither

It's still not Friday, but something to look forward to... I'm headed to the Dublin Irish Fest on August 2. More info on their link to the side. Come one come all, it's great craic!

1 comment:

Sleepy Scott said...

I'm glad your Mom puts up with Lou's shenanigans and lets him sit on her shoulder. Nice.