Thursday, February 03, 2011

Helicopter Parenting Gone Too Far...

I read a brief article online this morning about a Mother who signed a letter of intent for her son to play football for Ole Miss. The letter came through as a fax and when the office could not quite read the signature they requested another copy and the player decline to attend. It is believe the Mother signed the letter and faxed it, while the player plans to attend Texas A&M (not confirmed).

Oh Mom of this football player, land your helicopter! I'm not a parent, but isn't parenting supposed to be raising a child to make good, quality decisions on their own, with the long term of being positive contributing members of society? Wouldn't the college you plan to attend be one of those decisions?

(For those of you who do not work in education, we use the term helicopter parents to describe the parents who hover over their children, not letting them move into adulthood.)

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