Wednesday, March 10, 2010

#$^% &^#$^#$^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Sorry, I'm just a bit annoyed that I have gotten a head cold. I understand this happens to many in the world and I just need to get over myself. I think it's the timing. I'm beginning to believe the gods are plotting against me. 2 years ago, St. Paddy's Day party...emergency root canal. 1 year ago, St. Paddy's Day party...extraction of tooth. This year, head cold. ARGH! Now, I stayed home yesterday in hopes that rest would make this thing go away faster, I deserve a fun evening out Saturday, darn it.

I forgot the flash drive at home with photos on it, so sorry, those will be delayed.

In the mean time, enjoy a couple of random photos of Lou as we approach his favorite holiday.

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