Wednesday, March 03, 2010

A Nice Thanks…

I make fun of Southwest Airlines, I tend to call them South-worst. They don’t have the best reputation for leaving or arriving on time. They stood true to this on the flight to Florida last week. We sat for an hour on the plan waiting for something in the nose of the plane to get nitrogen. Now, of course, I want the plane in working order before taking off, but it was annoying that we had to wait. The pilot was serving passengers drinks, I knew at that point, the 15 minutes they said we would be delayed was going to be a bit more. They did give passengers the option to go back into the terminal until the plane was ready to go.

The return flight was off on time and actually arrived a few minutes early, go Southwest.

I received an email this week from the company with a simply, thanks for flying with us. It was a nice touch and I’ll think twice now when I refer to their name.


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