Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Remember When...

Sunday as luck would have it, I was driving back to Columbus as one of the Marrieds was having car issues. I being me, the most wonderful person ever, of course offered to give Ms. A a ride home so Mr. B could go off to work. This of course worked to my advantage, I got to go play instead of go home and do laundry.

We hung out at Ms. A's house for a bit and decided to take Ms. A's children to a park to play. Of course, this was decided and then by the time we actually got to the park it was just starting to get dark. The photos are much darker than it really was, poor camera work, but a fun evening venture.

The girls played at the side of a small creek next to a covered bridge (nope, I didn't think to take photos of the bridge).

Remember when the best thing ever was to simply throw rocks into a creek and watch them splash!

Oh wait, that was just on Sunday--I didn't throw any rocks, I was too busy with my camera.

I've got to remember to put the camera down and pick of a rock and give it a toss now an then.

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