Friday, June 10, 2011

Lunchbox Museum...

Did you know that in Vinton County, Ohio there is a Lunchbox Museum?  There is! Now, I do NOT recommend a trip to Vinton County just to visit this museum, because it is a small room off of a not so great restaurant, but it is there.  I did visit once and I think once was enough.  Although some of the lunchboxes were quite amusing or good for mental time travel.

The official entrance sign-high tech!

Who doesn't love Pigs in Space?

Too old for me to remember, but fun boxes none the less.


Where is Ms. Ingalls Wilder?

Don't forget home.

I do believe I had a box very similar to this one.  I loved Blueberry Muffin!

He-Man!  I thought She-Ra was better, but of course she was the Princess of Power.  Did you know you can watch episodes on hulu?

They even had a few old toys.

How many of use born in the 1970's had one of these phones?  I know I did!


I apparently like the "!" today.  Sorry, I'm just amped I guess.  One Venti Carmel Lite Frappuccino for me thanks!  Yummers and only 220 calories!  Can we say-LOVE!  Happy weekend kids!


Amy said...

Um, yeah, I've totally been there...!

allie said...

You are a world traveler Ms. A. LOL