Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Year of 34 and New Things Continues…

Ok, so I haven’t been good about keeping you updated, but wanted to give you a quick heads up.

1. Watched Yodeling Contest2. Saw Salad on a Stick3. Eat Emu4. Rev Theory & Shinedown Concert5. Iowa State Fair6. Placed a bet on a horse race7. Won on a bet placed on a horse race. 8.Played a $.25 lottery ticket9. Purchased a Cubs T-Shirt10. Walked around a Bass Pro store 11. Ate Dewey’s Pizza 12. Ate at Mario’s Seafood 13. Ate at Potbelly’s14. Ate at Jimmy V’s 15. Watched Zombieland 16. Played Wedding Photographer 17. Attended a Crew Game 18. Cored a pineapple with amazing ease—love the Pampered Chef tool. 19. Took senior pictures, not new, but the fact he was holding shot gun—new! 20. Drank Mike’s Hard Limeade 21. Bought a Mickey Finns CD and saw them at Byrnes.22. Watched New Moon 23. Made a pumpkin-ish pie from scratch 24. Watched Julia & Julia

25. Watched the Princess and the Frog—Cute, but wished there was a bit more of the hidden adult humor. C+

26. Attended Ladies 80’s Night at Skully’s---fun,fun, will have to do again, soon- April maybe?

27. Drank Swiss Miss Dark Chocolate Sensation—oh my baby, it rocks! You have to get it now. I love having a cup in the evening with some marshmallows, yes I am 5. It’s also tasty at work, but without the marshmallows.

28. Watched Leap Year—-AH! A movie set in Ireland how could I not love it. It was predictable, but lovely. A bit of it was set in Dingle, the town I lived in while in Ireland. I traveled the entire Dingle Peninsula and don’t think the movie was shot anywhere near there. My guess is near Galway, it’s gorgeous don’t get me wrong, but be sure it’s not Dingle. B-

29. Held the hoof of a sow to save the life of a new born piglet--Yeah, can’t say I’ve ever done that before and really don’t care to again. But, everything once right.

30. Watched 2012---I didn’t think it was as bad as all the critics said. I mean parts were a bit out there, but it did make you think a bit. C+

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