My thoughts…
Today is a bit random, second day of a new term and all, so my entry will be like my random thoughts.
First topic work…
Yesterday I saw 19 students, this does not include the multiple phone calls and emails and doesn’t include an hour meeting that I had, or the 15 minutes I took to eat my yogurt and left over pizza. I’m crossing my fingers today is not as bad.
I create a quarterly newsletter for my students in my primary major. I’ve been doing this for over a year now with no problems. I copied my new supervisor (I always copied my old supervisor) and bam, all crap broke forth. He emailed to see if all the advisors in the department do one, however he sent it to all the advisors not just me. CRAP! Now I’m a bit of a type A personality, I have a hard time just doing nothing most of the time and need new projects to keep me entertained, I do better with projects I create than ones I’m giving which is how the newsletter started. A colleague in a different department does a weekly newsletter which is insane and I don’t have time for, but a quarterly one I can do. It also looks good at my annual review. However, my coworkers don’t really like the idea of a newsletter. They don’t like walk-ins either, I do both. I’m kinda walk to my own beat, but always have. I do what I have to do to give my students the best service, and yet, I was not the one nominated for outstanding advisor of the year, a co-worker was last year. Sorry, I am a little bitter, which is likely why I have bad karma. Well, then the Chair got a copy of the newsletter and then asked me to send it to the entire department. Anyway, now the office pretty much hates me, although they don’t thrill me much either, but it’s easier to fly under the radar.
The weather…
Yesterday I left my office, a bit late as expected on the first day which is why I wasn’t stressed about getting to work on time, and walked into a winter wonderland. Well it was a wonderland for about 30 seconds, then it turned into a snow globe. I was in a snow globe that a large giant was shaking to bits. No matter what direction I walked the snow was hitting me directly in the eyes. I mean seriously, cold, ok it’s Ohio, but a freaking tornado of snow is a bit too much. Damn giants and their bored selves.
This morning I felt like I was going on a long winter’s hike just to get to work. Boots, pants tucked into boots, 1990’s flashback to pegged legs, big winter coat, scarf, argh! I really need just a hint of sunshine. It’s dark when I come to work, dark when I leave. I think it’s a violation of my civil liberty to have me work in a bomb shelter where I never see the light of day. I would almost rather be the guy salting the few steps they salt on campus. At least then I see some daylight, and I would own coveralls and other proper winter attire to keep warm in.
I can only categorize this section as, Seriously?...
I received an email from a guy that I had a first date with, there was a reason for the first date only. The summery of the email was that I rocked, well duh, and it was a new year and he just wanted to see why we didn’t click. Well, let’s see you were just not good enough for me. It that an ok answer for ya? I would normally just delete such an email, people don’t really want an answer to this question. I admit, I’ve pulled out the “it’s not you, it’s me” line a couple of time, it’s just easier. However, this time I was in a mood and gave a reply and I was kinda brutally honest and told him exactly why I thought the date was a horrible failure and it was mostly his behavior during the date, kinda just too much, too angry at the world, too obsessed with only one kind of music, too not good enough for me, did I mention this. I believe you don’t go back, so sorry, but no chance kiddo. So I get an almost immediate reply back, asking for a second chance are you kidding me! This just goes to prove, that you really can’t treat a guy well, I did for too many years on one that was not going to marry me and not going forward beyond where we were, so I really do know. They really don’t want to be treated well, they want you be a complete bitch and treat them like crap and they will love it. Are all men mental? Are there any normal ones out there? I tell you why you suck and you want a second chance. I tell you how great you are and you don’t care at all. ARGH! Men! Single sucks sometimes, but seriously I guess I just fail overall because I don’t understand the interworking of the male mind. I shouldn’t even think that I would want a child, good grief I would never understand a boy and a girl I would never be able to teach to understand a man. I think I would be better off having an alien, I might not completely screw it up.
ARGH! Is it Friday yet?
SirchKismet quickly looks around the web page and only sees a bulls eye on his chest.... Quickly and quietly types a new html link in his browser and leaves a blog that will only get him strung up by something that he is still really really attached too.
Opps, hopefully you will return one day, I'm not a man hater, just don't have an understanding of them.
SK is hooked on this blog. He'll be back. =)
Let's hope so, this poor blog needs the readers. *grin*
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