Holy Macaroni...
Holy macaroni on a stick! "Is there a hidden camera in my office." Question I asked my co-worker about 10:30am this morning and it hasn't gotten much better.
There has been a parade of people in my office today. Everything from a prostitute having a breakdown in my office, telling me "prostitution kills your soul". I've never been one, but I can imagine, yes, yes it would. To the man who wanted a history lesson on higher education and who the Board of Regents is-and would not let the topic drop. To the blond, who just doesn't know where she was, at least that is how it appeared. To the mother of an adult daughter who just had brain surgery and has to basically relearn everything, and she needs a new career that will allow her time to take care of said daughter. To, the point where I may loose my mind by the end of the day.
Now I'm off to orientation. Today, I would have preferred back to back orientations!
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