I have found I like making lists. To Do lists are great, I love being able to check items off as they are accomplished. It makes me feel a small sense of moving forward. Often lists can be helpful. Pro/Con lists can help when making a difficult decision. I don't always stick to my lists, but that's ok too.
I liked my year of 34 list, although I kinda lost track of it. I think I'll continue the idea for the year of 35.
Thing I've never done before in this my 35th year.
1. Got a pedicure. I know can you believe it, 35 and never had a pedicure, but it's true. I got one over the weekend. It was great. I was a bit nervous, ok a lot nervous because I have very sensitive feet to the point of pain sometimes, but it went well and my toes are so darn cute. I went with a bright pink, I figure in a couple of weeks, if it lasts that long, I will not loose my toes in the sand.
2. Got a full body massage. Dear goodness it was awesome! Charles Penzone Salon, you lived up to your reputation and I thank you kindly for it. I will try to work more massages into my budget, so worth it.
That's it for now, but those were two great ones, right.
Hmmm...perhaps no more comments when I have my Pedicure every month.
Maybe, but I reserve the right to still yell at you. LOL
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