Thursday, October 07, 2010

Mini Letters...

Dear Mother Nature,

Thank you for bringing autumn back.  I was in fear that there would be no autumn and we would simply go from summer to winter.  Autumn is my favorite time of year, so I greatly appreciate your assistance today.

With Love,

Dear Self,

In the future do not attempt to do a Mcgyver job of hemming your pants just moments before you must wear them, not start, you will be late for work.  Also, buy a new pair of black dress shoes, these ones are killing your feet.

All The Best,

Dear Columbus Drivers,

I understand that in the city is is rare that you must deal with a four way stop, however, when the lights go out, you must treat them as a four way stop.  If you have forgotten how a four way stop works, then you need to park your car and review your driver permit book again.


Dear Ms. T,

Thank you for being you. Thanks for the tickets the other day, they were greatly appreciate!


Dear Readers,

I caught a bit of a cold over the weekend and I'm not quite in a groove yet with my new job and getting ready for art shows and such.  I'm a slacker and as has happened in the past, the blogging is the one to suffer. If you are still checking to see if new posts are here, you really are the best! 

Have a grand day!

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